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Bayes Data Format

Bayes customers receive game data in JSON format of a specific structure. We call this format Live Data Message. The Model Reference subsection contains detailed reference of all possible Live Data Messages for supported game titles. But here we will talk about the data format itself.

When you are receiving game data, whether it's a historic, scrim data or live data transferred by BEDEX, you are getting The Live Data Messages. Each Live Data Message is wrapped in another JSON structure called BayesMessageEnvelope, which itself is wrapped in yet another one, DataProviderMessage. Such nested structure allows you to identify key information early on in your processing.

Data message nested structureData message nested structure


DataProviderMessage is the topmost message envelope. It contains several metadata fields and a payload.

DataProviderMessage is not confined to live or historic game data. Any message sent through BEDEX will be wrapped in a DataProviderMessage. To unwrap it—read the payload field.

pathThis is the BEDEX identifier for the stream
seqIdxA unique number that identifies the ordering of messages in each stream. seqIdx starts at 1 and is increased for each message
timeSentUTC time when the message was originally sent by data provider
providerSlugnull if game data collected from historic/scrim data, bayes or bayes-unlimited if game data distributed through BEDEX, bayesodds if odds distributed through Bayes Live Odds, bayesprob if probabilities distributed through Bayes Live Match Predictions
payloadContains the inner message (for live data it's a BayesMessageEnvelope)
referencesCurrently not used
versionDataProviderMessage sctructure version


"path": "replay/esports/lol/riot/superleague_lol/10476977477967401/10476977477967401/3e67fcc7-fd42-52b5-c84e-a093ffceee26",
"seqIdx": 100,
"timeSent": "2022-01-14T05:38:08.479411Z",
"providerSlug": null,
"payload": {...},
"references": null,
"version": "2.0"


urnGame reference ID
payloadContains a LiveDataMessage
typeContains information about the data provider for the corresponding title
versionBayesMessageEnvelope sctructure version
propertiesCurrently not used


"urn": "live:lol:riot:map:fabafaeaa3a12-3702505",
"payload": {...},
"version": "0.3",
"properties": {}


createdAtThe time when the message was created
liveDataMatchUrnA unique ID for the live data which identifies a specific map
sourceUpdatedAtThe time when the original data was created, before converting into Live Data Message
titleThe game title (e.g. LOL)
typeThe type of message (more below)
subjectThe subject of message (more below)
actionThe action of message (more below)
payloadContains the game data specific for this kind of Live Data Message
additionalPropertiesExtra information about the match

Type, Subject, Action

Type, Subject and Action are the main properties of the LiveDataMessage which determine its kind. The combination of these properties determines the meaning of the Live Data Message, the structure of its payload and the game data that it contains.

  • Type – the category of the Live Data Message, e.g. INFO, GAME_EVENT, SNAPSHOT.
  • Subject – the entity that the message talks about. It could be a PLAYER, a TEAM, or an entire MATCH.
  • Action – the subject's activity described in the message. For example, the action UPDATE may appear for the TEAM subject (one of the team players picked a champion during draft) or for the MATCH subject (game stats updated).

Some examples of type-subject-action combinations are:

"type": "INFO", // Type of message
"subject": "MATCH", // Who
"action": "ANNOUNCE" // Did what
// The combination used to indicate a message which announces the beginning of each game.
"type": "GAME_EVENT", // Type of message
"subject": "PLAYER", // Who
"action": "KILL" // Did what
// The combination used to indicate that a player has killed another player

Live Data Message example:

"createdAt": "2022-01-14T05:38:08.452992Z",
"liveDataMatchUrn": "live:lol:riot:map:fabafaeaa3a12-3702505",
"sourceUpdatedAt": "2022-01-14T05:08:07.580Z",
"title": "LOL",
"type": "SNAPSHOT",
"subject": "MATCH",
"action": "UPDATE",
"payload": {...},
"additionalProperties": {
"perId": "esports:match:00be5e02-3313-55e2-9990-e8420f348a1b",
"esportsLeagueId": "98464993939946489",
"esportsGameID": "10476977477967401",
"gameNumber": "1",
"live:lol:riot:team:606850019910058606": "esports:team:01ae7b39-95e2-5963-b481-f1512a9cb9dd",
"esportsLeagueSlug": "superleague_lol",
"esportsLeagueName": "Superleague LoL",
"taskId": "3e67fcc7-fd42-52b5-c84e-a093ffceee26",
"esportsMatchId": "10476977477967401",
"live:lol:riot:team:503170068860071305": "esports:team:9ac9ccdd-7a41-55d2-0a63-443ead2682ef"

Working with Live Data Messages

To integrate Live Data Messages into your system, you will need to process each message according to its kind. Implementation tips are available at Working with the Data.

Let's consider a Kill event message:

{ // DataProviderMessage
"path": "replay/esports/lol/riot/worlds/80390366466309308/80390366466309308/010f96b6-870d-5fde-cf39-9e6cd06b813c",
"seqIdx": 7079,
"timeSent": "2021-11-18T15:52:37.470708Z",
"providerSlug": null,
"payload": { // BayesMessageEnvelope
"urn": "live:lol:riot:map:faaaaaaaaaa15-2072526",
"payload": { // LiveDataMessage
"createdAt": "2021-11-18T15:17:42.803216Z",
"liveDataMatchUrn": "live:lol:riot:map:faaaaaaaaaa15-2072526",
"sourceUpdatedAt": "2021-11-06T12:52:47.867Z",
"title": "LOL",
"type": "GAME_EVENT",
"subject": "PLAYER",
"action": "KILL",
"payload": {
"gameTime": 1801651,
"position": [
"killerUrn": "live:lol:riot:player:95bf9fb4-acdf-4cad-b5d5-6d553bd7274f",
"killerTeamUrn": "live:lol:riot:team:93204998189940239",
"victimUrn": "live:lol:riot:player:4c34f7d6-37f3-4149-9583-3ad960e31fe7",
"victimTeamUrn": "live:lol:riot:team:300334140041433003",
"assistants": [
"additionalProperties": {
"perId": "esports:match:83c7a58f-f055-5cbf-ce0d-15d872d4b81c",
"esportsLeagueId": "98163910901936189",
"live:lol:riot:team:93204998189940239": "esports:team:0a0d3943-fc89-586b-07bd-533feca4eb48",
"esportsGameID": "80390366466309308",
"gameNumber": "1",
"esportsLeagueSlug": "worlds",
"esportsLeagueName": "Worlds",
"taskId": "010f96b6-870d-5fde-cf39-9e6cd06b813c",
"live:lol:riot:team:300334140041433003": "esports:team:0f4ccd7d-5f82-5d45-cb4d-01f3800cdc6b",
"esportsMatchId": "80390366466309308"
"version": "0.3",
"properties": {}
"references": null,
"version": "2.0"

In the example above, the highlighted lines denote the Live Data Message payload. All other lines will have the same structure throughout all kinds of messages, but the Live Data Message payload structure will vary depending on the Type-Subject-Action triad.

The Live Data Message payload contains the precious data you want to process, but it is wrapped around with other structures, which we talked about above. These structures help you determine how you should process the Live Data Message payload, or should you do it at all.