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BEDEX (Bayes Esports Data EXchange) is a digital data exchange platform. Data providers publish data streams to BEDEX and data consumers sign contracts to get access to these streams. BEDEX is a universal platform and can be used for distributing any kind of data (learn more).

At Bayes we use BEDEX to distribute data streams for our Live Data and Bayes Live Odds products. BEDEX is also used for sending notifications about updates in the Fixture Service.


In BEDEX terminology, Live Data service and Bayes Live Odds are data providers who acquire raw data from various sources, process it and generate the data streams. Each customer gets access to one or several dedicated message queues, according to their contract. We often refer to these queues as outbox queues, which means that they serve messages outside BEDEX. In contrast, data providers publish messages to inbox exchanges.

To get messages from the outbox queues you will need to use an AMQP client. Luckily, AMQP protocol is very popular and there are lots of powerful AMQP libraries for almost any programming language.

In this section you will find tips on setting up your integration, code examples and other useful info.