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Widget elements

Widget elements define the visual features of your widget. The following table breaks these down. Elements can either be prematch (data you can see before a match starts), live (data you see while a match is ongoing) or postmatch (results composed from a complete match). The following table visualizes your options.

ConstantTitleWidget typesWidget typeDescription
'PrematchStreaks'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tprematchLatest win lost streaks.
'PrematchMapVotes'CS2m, c, sm, tprematchCS map votes before a match starts.
'PrematchPastMatches'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tprematchPast head to heads of the competing teams.
'PrematchRoster'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tprematchCurrent known team roster.
'PrematchPlayerPerformance'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tprematchHistorical player stats averages from recently recorded matches.
'PrematchTeamPerformance'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tprematchHistorical team stats averages from recently recorded matches.
'PrematchMapWinPercentage'CS2m, c, sm, tprematchMap win percentage calculated from the last 6 months.
'RoundScore'CS2m, c, sm, tliveIn game round score.
'HorizontalTimeline'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tliveHorizontal timeline view of important in game events.
'Timeline'CS2, DOTAsmliveVertical timeline of in game events.
'RealtimeMap'CS2, DOTAm, c, tliveIn game map and timeline in a tabbed view.
'RealtimeMapAndVideo'CS2, DOTAm, c, tliveIn game map, live stream and timeline in a tabbed view. (betting clients only)
'PlayerStats'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tliveIn game player stats.
'PlayerStatsTable'*CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tlivePlayer stats as a table view.
'TeamStats'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tliveIn game team stats.
'Bans'DOTAm, c, sm, tliveBanned heros from draft phase.
'MapName'CS2m, c, sm, tliveCS map name and current map score.
'Map'CS2, DOTAsmliveIn game map view.
'MiniMap'CS2, DOTAsmliveEnhanced map view with additional data.
'GameClock'CS2, DOTAsmliveIn game clock.
'Video'CS2, DOTAsmliveLive stream (betting clients only).
'ResultsPastMatches'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tpostmatchMap results.
'ResultsPlayerPerformance'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tpostmatchAverage player performances from current match.
'ResultsTeamPerformance'CS2, DOTAm, c, sm, tpostmatchAverage team performances from current match.
'FixtureInfo'CS2, DOTAsmallBasic info about the fixture. Available for all match stages.

Player stats table special case

PlayerStatsTable element has composable stats. That means you can define and proioritize certain datapoints you want to see in your player stats table. There is a defined set of stats you can choose from. Essential player info is always part of the dataset though. From screensize of more than 420px you can select up to 8 datapoints. 4 below that. Datapoints marked as essential will always be visible (up to 4).

Data pointtitledefaultDescription
main_weaponCS2includedShowing the current main weapon of a player. If player does not have a main weapon, secondary weapon is displayed instead.
health_percentageCS2, DOTAincludedCurrent health of the player
armorCS2includedHas armor or not.
current_moneyCS2includedShowing the current money.
equipment_valueCS2noCS current equipment value of a player.
killsCS2, DOTAessentialKills of a player.
assistsCS2, DOTAessentialAssists of a player.
deathsCS2, DOTAessentialDeaths of a player.
adrCS2,essentialAverage damage per round.
levelDOTAessentialDota hero level.
minion_killsDOTAincludedCreep score.
total_goldDOTAincludedTotal gold of a player.
deniesDOTAnoDenies of a player.

JS interface for defining this in your widget settings looks as follows:

containerId: "YOUR_CONTAINER_ID",
type: "split-match",
locale: "en",
settings: {
elements: ["PlayerStatsTable"],
playerStatsDataPoints: [
{ name: 'main_weapon' },
{ name: 'health_percentage' },
{ name: 'armor' },
{ name: 'current_money' },
{ name: 'level', essential: true },
{ name: 'kills', essential: true },
{ name: 'deaths', essential: true },
{ name: 'assists', essential: true },
{ name: 'adr', essential: true },
{ name: 'minion_kills' },
{ name: 'total_gold' },
onTrack: (event, data) => {