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Getting Access

When the contract is signed, we will create an account for you and provide the access details by e-mail. Since these are highly sensitive data, the message must be encrypted. Therefore we will ask you to provide a PGP public key.

PGP Basics

PGP stands for "Pretty Good Privacy". Despite the name, it is an extremely secure and widely used data encryption method.

Creating a PGP "key pair" spawns both a public key and a private key. When you share the public key, others can send you encrypted data that only you can decrypt. The private key is never shared, only used for decryption of received messages.

How Bayes uses PGP

Bayes will use your public key to encrypt the access details we send to you. Then, when these details are received by you, you can decrypt them with your private key.

Steps for customers:

  1. Create a PGP key pair. There are a number of methods.

Many email programs support PGP encryption out of the box, and there are also browser plugins that will help you generate your PGP key and decrypt the received messages afterward.

  1. Share your public key with Bayes.
  2. Bayes encrypts your access details using your public key, and emails the encrypted information to you.
  3. You decrypt the access details using your private key.

Access Details

The access details will contain:

  • host
  • vhost
  • username
  • password
  • queue (stream) name

Please make sure that you’ve provided us with your IP addresses - we need to add them to our firewall's allow list. Without this, your connection requests will fail with timeout errors.

When you receive confirmation from us that your IP addresses are added, you are ready to go. The next step is to set up your AMQP client.