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Live Odds Message Format

The data we send to customers has three layers. First, the standard BEDEX DataProviderMessage envelope. Second, the LiveOddsUpdateMessage wrapper. Third, the payload of LiveOddsUpdateMessage, which contains odds updates (OddsUpdateMessage) and score updates (ScoreUpdateMessage).

This article explains the data format itself. You can download example messages here.


"path": "replay/esports/lol/riot/superleague_lol/10476977477967401/10476977477967401/3e67fcc7-fd42-52b5-c84e-a093ffceee26",
"seqIdx": 100,
"timeSent": "2022-01-14T05:38:08.479411Z",
"payload": {...},
"version": "2.0"

DataProviderMessage is the topmost envelope included in all BEDEX messages. It contains several metadata fields.

pathThe BEDEX identifier for the streamString
seqIdxA unique number that identifies the ordering of messages in each stream. seqIdx starts at 1 and is increased for each messageInteger
timeSentUTC time when the message was originally sent by the data providerISO 8601 datetime
payloadContains the LiveOddsUpdateMessage messageObject
versionDataProviderMessage structure versionString


"version": "1.0",
"createdAt": "2022-05-01T00:00:00.00Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-05-02T00:00:00.00Z",
"provider": "otter",
"type": "odds",
"payload": {...}

The payload of a DataProviderMessage is a LiveOddsUpdateMessage, which includes the following fields.

versionLiveOddsUpdateMessage structure versionString
createdAtdate of when the first update for this match was createdISO 8601 datetime
updatedAtdate of last updateISO 8601 datetime
providerodds provider’s name set by BayesString
typescores or oddsString
payloadOddsUpdateMessage or ScoreUpdateMessageObject


Full OddsUpdateMessage example
"metadata": {
"tournament": "esports:tournament:c0874279-09eb-4e55-ac0d-5b98fc198c05",
"match": "esports:match:030d603c-e62a-40ae-9f53-05af1172e50f",
"title": "csgo",
"participants": [
{"name": "team1", "id": "esports:team:3f222519-2242-4857-83ac-3f89ea2c1b9e", "type": "team"},
{"name": "team2", "id": "esports:team:af49ae8b-efd7-4b48-8e32-8f3917e84e09", "type": "team"},
{"name": "team3", "id": "esports:team:0b6a9f08-1a9a-44a0-897c-a5640f2ca53b", "type": "team"},
{"name": "player1", "id": "esports:player:c4530f27-6cd2-4427-a4a8-789cb0a51f28", "type": "player"}
"createdAt": "2023-03-13T15:16:55.344053",
"updatedAt": "2023-03-13T15:16:55.344053",
"type": "prematch",
"provider": "example_odds_provider",
"markets": [
"marketName": "match_winner",
"marketType": "2way",
"specifiers": {},
"outcomes": [
"outcome": "team1",
"decimalOdd": 1.6,
"tradingStatus": "open",
"won": false
"outcome": "team2",
"decimalOdd": 2.25,
"tradingStatus": "open",
"won": false
"marketName": "map_total_rounds",
"marketType": "overunder",
"specifiers": {
"mapNumber": 2,
"line": 28.5
"outcomes": [
"outcome": "over",
"decimalOdd": 2.9,
"tradingStatus": "open",
"won": false
"outcome": "under",
"decimalOdd": 1.38,
"tradingStatus": "open",
"won": false

If the type in LiveOddsUpdateMessage is odds, then the following OddsUpdateMessage fields will occupy the payload:

metadatacontains the fixture service PERIDs of the entities related to this matchObject
oddsTypeodds type. Either prematch or liveString
marketscontains a list of all markets for a matchList of Objects

NOTE: OddsUpdateMessages will always contain all markets that had been initialised for the match, including those that had been closed, settled, and canceled during the match.


"metadata": {
"tournament": "esports:tournament:627266ae-0552-5916-98ee-7529b0953184",
"match": "esports:match:2bb1497e-3290-5da7-9196-5d6db1bd8732",
"title": "csgo",
"participants": [
{"name": "team1", "id": "esports:team:3f222519-2242-4857-83ac-3f89ea2c1b9e", "type": "team"},
{"name": "team2", "id": "esports:team:af49ae8b-efd7-4b48-8e32-8f3917e84e09", "type": "team"},
{"name": "player1", "id": "esports:player:4c3352ee-cfcc-4f52-a34d-ad2005d7de06", "type": "player"}

The metadata object contains the fixture service PERIDs of the entities related to this match.

tournamentthe tournament PERIDString
matchthe match PERIDString
titlethe title of the tournamentString
participantsPERIDs of the participating teams or playersList of Objects

The participants list contains objects with the following fields:

FieldDescriptionTypePossible Values
namethe name of the participant (not the actual team name, please find it in the Fixture Service API)Stringe.g. team1, team2, player1,...
idthe PERID of the participantStringe.g. esports:team:123-456-78-90
typethe type of the participantStringteam, player


"markets": [
"marketName": "match_winner",
"marketType": "2way",
"specifiers": {},
"outcomes": [
"outcome": "team1",
"decimalOdd": 1.6,
"tradingStatus": "closed",
"won": true
"outcome": "team2",
"decimalOdd": 2.25,
"tradingStatus": "closed",
"won": false

The markets object contains a list of all markets for a match.

marketNamethe market descriptionString
marketTypethe market typeString
outcomesthe betting outcomes for this marketList
specifiersadditional details — can be player, team, mapNumber, line, etcObject


The specifiers field provides key details that define the conditions of the betting market, such as map number, line, round number, or player-specific information etc.

specifiers object
"specifiers": {
"mapNumber": 2,
"roundNumber": 2,
"halfNumber": 2,
"line": 1.0,
"team": "team1",
"player": "johndoe",
mapNumberSpecifies the number of the map in a series of gamesInteger
roundNumberSpecifies the specific round within a mapInteger
lineSpecifies the threshold for over/under or handicap marketsmixed: String, Float
teamSpecifies a particular team, used in team-specific marketsString
playerSpecifies a particular player, used in player-specific marketsString
halfNumberSpecifies which half of the game the market pertains to, used to determine outcomes within that segmentInteger


Full ScoreUpdateMessage example
"metadata": {
"tournament": "esports:tournament:516155fd-9441-4805-87dd-6418a9842073",
"match": "esports:match:1aa0386d-2189-4cf6-8085-4c5ca0ac7621",
"title": "csgo",
"participants": [
{"name": "team1", "id": "esports:team:3f222519-2242-4857-83ac-3f89ea2c1b9e", "type": "team"},
{"name": "team2", "id": "esports:team:af49ae8b-efd7-4b48-8e32-8f3917e84e09", "type": "team"},
{"name": "team3", "id": "esports:team:0b6a9f08-1a9a-44a0-897c-a5640f2ca53b", "type": "team"},
{"name": "player1", "id": "esports:player:c4530f27-6cd2-4427-a4a8-789cb0a51f28", "type": "player"}
"matchStatus": "ONGOING",
"matchFormat": "bestOf",
"matchCurrent": 2,
"matchMax": 3,
"scores": [

"interval": "match",
"intervalNumber": null,
"scoreType": "maps",
"scores": [
"participant": "team1",
"score": 1
"participant": "team2",
"score": 1
"interval": "map",
"intervalNumber": 1,
"scoreType": "rounds",
"scores": [
"participant": "team1",
"score": 16
"participant": "team2",
"score": 12
"interval": "match",
"intervalNumber": null,
"scoreType": "kills",
"scores": [
"participant": "player1",
"score": 17

If the type in LiveOddsUpdateMessage is scores, then the following ScoreUpdateMessage fields will occupy the payload:

metadatacontains the fixture service PERIDs of the entities related to this match.Object
matchStatuscurrent status of the match, ex. ONGOINGString
matchFormatwhat kind of match is being played, ex. bestOfString
matchCurrentwhich match is currently being played, ex. 2 (out of 2 or more matches)Integer
matchMaxthe max number of matches that will be playedInteger
scorescurrent scores of the teams or players playingList of Objects


"metadata": {
"tournament": "esports:tournament:627266ae-0552-5916-98ee-7529b0953184",
"match": "esports:match:2bb1497e-3290-5da7-9196-5d6db1bd8732",
"title": "csgo",
"participants": [
{"name": "team1", "id": "esports:team:3f222519-2242-4857-83ac-3f89ea2c1b9e", "type": "team"},
{"name": "team2", "id": "esports:team:af49ae8b-efd7-4b48-8e32-8f3917e84e09", "type": "team"},
{"name": "player1", "id": "esports:player:4c3352ee-cfcc-4f52-a34d-ad2005d7de06", "type": "player"}

The metadata object contains the fixture service PERIDs of the entities related to this match.

tournamentthe tournament PERIDString
matchthe match PERIDString
titlethe title of the tournamentString
participantsPERIDs of the participating teams or playersList of Objects

The participants list contains objects with the following fields:

FieldDescriptionTypePossible Values
namethe name of the participant (not the actual team name, please find it in the Fixture Service API)Stringe.g. team1, team2, player1,...
idthe PERID of the participantStringe.g. esports:team:123-456-78-90
typethe type of the participantStringteam, player


"scores": [
"interval": "match",
"intervalNumber": null,
"scoreType": "maps",
"scores": [
"participant": "team1",
"score": 1
"participant": "team2",
"score": 1

The scores object provides a list of different score categories identified by interval, intervalNumber, and scoreType.

Each object within the scores list of a given category includes the following fields:

FieldDescriptionTypePossible Values
intervalthe interval of the seriesStringmatch, map, period
intervalNumberthe event number in a series of eventsIntegernull in case of match interval, otherwise a number greater than zero
scoreTypewhat the integer score field representsStringmaps, rounds, goals
scoresa list of scores for each participant in the intervalList of Objects

Examples of score categories are as follows:

  • interval: "match", intervalNumber: null, scoreType: "maps": The score of the match in terms of maps.
  • interval: "map", intervalNumber: 1, scoreType: "rounds": The score of the first map in terms of rounds.
  • interval: "match", intervalNumber: null, scoreType: "kills": The score of the match in terms of kills.
  • interval: "map", intervalNumber: 1, scoreType: "kills": The score of the first map in terms of kills.
  • interval: "period", intervalNumber: 1, scoreType: "goals": The score of the first period in terms of goals. (for titles like football)

Each score object in the scores list of a score category contains the following fields:

FieldDescriptionTypePossible Values
participantthe participant's name from the metadata objectStringe.g. team1,team2, player1,...
scorenumeric score of the participant perticipant in the scoreTypeIntegere.g. 0, 1, 13,...