API Reference
Bayes Web Player options
The options given below can be defined when instantiating the Bayes Web Player. You can find the options type here. More options and event callbacks will be added in future iterations of the Bayes Web Player.
Name | Type | Description | Default value |
autoplay | boolean | Switches autoplay on/off | true |
enableUi | boolean | Displays the default set of controls that are shipped with the Bayes Web Player | true |
muted | boolean | Starts the player in a muted state | false |
volume | number | Initial volume | 50 |
detachable | boolean | Enable or disable the detachable functionality of the player | true |
thumbnail | string | Thumbnail which is displayed before the stream is played | undefined |
watermark | WatermarkOptions | Watermark which is displayed on top of the livestream | undefined |
defaultErrorMessage | string | Error message to be displayed when an error occurs during the livestream | "Error occurred while retrieving playlist information. Please try again." |
defaultOfflineMessage | string | Message to be displayed when the livestream is not broadcasted anymore | "Stream is offline." |
defaultOfflineTimeoutDuration | number | Number of seconds the player has to wait before dispatching the offline screen | 20 |
defaultTimeUpdateDuration | number | Interval in seconds for onPlayerTimeUpdate . | 5 |
isWithinIFrame | boolean | Make sure to pass this option as true when the player is embedded within an iframe | false |
Bayes Web Player callbacks
The below callbacks can be defined as a part of the options object when instantiating the Bayes Web Player.
Name | Type | Description |
onReady | () => void | Callback to be invoked when the player is ready |
onPlay | () => void | Callback to be invoked when the player starts playing the livestream |
onError | () => void | Callback to be invoked when the player fires an error |
onPause | () => void | Callback to be invoked when the player is paused |
onStreamOffline | () => void | Callback to be invoked when the livestream is offline |
onTimeUpdate | (metadata: PlayerMetadata) => void | Callback to invoked while the stream is being played. Will be executed every X seconds where X is the number of seconds passed as defaultTimeUpdateDuration in the options object. Contains the metadata object containing player low level information. |
Bayes Web Player API
Bayes Web Player exposes the functionality given below to allow the website to control the player as required. More functionality will be added in the near future.
The below APIs can be called directly on the Player instance. eg: player.init();
Name | Type | Description |
constructor | (url: string, container: string / HtmlDivElement, options: PlayerOptions, doc?: Document) => Player | Bayes Web Player constructor |
init | () => void | Initialize the Bayes Web Player instance on the provided container ID, with the given URI and options |
play | () => void | Starts the video playback |
pause | () => void | Pauses the video playback (Note: Restarted livestreams will begin at the live state) |
destroy | () => boolean | Remove the embeddable player from the webpage |
metadata | () => PlayerMetadata | Returns a player metadata object containing low-level information. (Player must be initialized) |
Volume controls have been segregated into a different instance within the Bayes Web Player. And as such, the below APIs can be
invoked via the volume instance. eg: player.volume.set(50);
Name | Type | Description |
set | (value: IntRange<0, 101>) => void | Sets the volume of the player as required |
increase | () => void | Increase the volume of the player by ten |
decrease | () => void | Decrease the volume of the player by ten |
mute | () => void | Mute the Bayes Web Player |
unmute | () => void | Unmute the Bayes Web Player |
User Interface
UI APIs can be invoked via the ui
instance of the Bayes Web Player. eg: player.ui.toggle();
Name | Type | Description |
fullscreen | () => void | Toggle fullscreen status |
toggle | () => void | Toggle display of the controls (UI overlay which consists of playback controls) |
detach | () => void | Toggle detachable status of the player |
thumbnail | (value?: string) => void | Sets the thumbnail of the player (Image URL or data URI). If no argument is provided, the function removes the existing thumbnail. |
watermark | (value?: WatermarkOptions) => void | Sets or unsets the watermark of the player. If the value argument is not provided, the function removes any existing watermark. |
setStyles | (value?: StyleOptions) => void | Sets the styles for the elements of the player |
Reference Types
type PlayerOptions = {
autoplay?: boolean;
muted?: boolean;
enableUi?: boolean;
volume?: IntRange<0, 101>;
detachable?: boolean;
thumbnail?: string;
watermark?: WatermarkOptions;
defaultErrorMessage?: string;
defaultOfflineMessage?: string;
defaultOfflineTimeoutDuration?: number;
defaultTimeUpdateDuration?: number;
styles?: StyleOptions;
onReady?: () => void;
onError?: () => void;
onPlay?: () => void;
onPause?: () => void;
onStreamOffline?: () => void;
onTimeUpdate?: (metadata: PlayerMetadata) => void;
isWithinIFrame: boolean;
type WatermarkPosition =
| 'top-left'
| 'top-right'
| 'bottom-left'
| 'bottom-right';
type WatermarkSize = 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg';
type WatermarkOptions = {
src: string;
position?: WatermarkPosition;
size?: WatermarkSize;
opacity?: number;
onClick?: () => void;
Currently style options are limited to updating the default, hover and background colors of the player controls, play button and the control bar. More options such as font sizes, font family, dimensions and positions will be added in future iterations of the Bayes Web Player.
const StyleProps = {
color: 'color',
colorHover: 'color-hover',
backgroundColor: 'background-color'
const StyleKeys = {
controls: 'controls',
playButton: 'play-button',
controlBar: 'control-bar'
type StyleParams = { [key in keyof typeof StyleProps]: string };
type StyleOptions = { [key in keyof typeof StyleKeys]?: StyleParams };
The below information is accessible when the livestream is initialized and playing. More low-level information will be added in future iterations of the Bayes Web Player.
export type PlayerMetadata = {
bandwidth?: number;
bufferLength?: number;
currentTime?: number;
duration?: number | Infinity;
mediaInfo?: {
mediaBytesTransferred?: number;
mediaRequests?: number;
mediaRequestsAborted?: number;
mediaRequestsErrored?: number;
mediaRequestsTimedout?: number;
mediaSecondsLoaded?: number;
mediaSequence?: number;
playerDimensions?: {
height?: number;
width?: number;
timestamp?: number;
videoPlaybackQuality?: {
corruptedVideoFrames?: number;
droppedVideoFrames?: number;
totalVideoFrames?: number;
framesPerSecond?: number;